The Red Mountain Conservation Bank
The Red Mountain Conservation Bank, located in Fallbrook, California offers 557.36 acres of Conservation Credit to offset development impacts in northern San Diego County. The Bank supports an extremely rich diversity of native species, including hundreds of species of native plants and animals. The Red Mountain Conservation Bank is currently offering mitigation opportunities for Gnatcatcher-occupied Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub, Open Coast Live Oak Woodland, Mafic Southern Mixed Chaparral and Mafic Chamise Chaparral, Native Grassland, Southern Coast Live Oak Riparian Forest, Riparian Scrub, Emergent Wetland, Coastal / Valley Freshwater Marsh. The bank is also home to an array of Covered Species including California Gnatcatcher, Rainbow Manzanita, Engelmann Oak, Parry's Tetracoccus, Arroyo Chub, and many others. The Red Mountain Conservation Bank is part of the SubRegional Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP - North County), and includes portions of Camp Pendleton.
Credits Available
- Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub (Gnatcatcher-occupied)
- Open Coast Live Oak Woodland
- Mafic Southern Mixed Chaparral and Mafic Chamise Chaparral
- Native Grassland
- Southern Coast Live Oak Riparian Forest
- Riparian Scrub
- Emergent Wetland
- Coastal / Valley Freshwater Marsh
Covered Sensitive Species
- California Gnatcatcher
- Rainbow Manzanita
- Engelmann Oak
- Parry's Tetracoccus
- Arroyo Chub
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about what's available at
The Red Mountain Conservation Bank